Righteous curmudgeonosity and car park eittiquette

Okay tis one’s birthday today and it is one of what many people call “special” as it has a zero at the end. Now to me being completly divisible by 10 is not really an occasion for applause and rapture. Now being divisible by 3 is even cooler but if i was forced to think of something special about today… hmmm.. it is the smallest number that can be written as the sum of of 2 squares in 2 ways … so there 🙂 next year is cool cos is it is the 6th Motzkin number and the year after is the 5th Bell number. Mind you last year was ultra cool as is the smallest number with the property that it and its neighbors are squareful …. it is really quite sad that I know that isn’t it?

The other cool thing is that this particular aniversary of the appearance of Steve McDonagh V1.0.0 is that is co-incides with Easter which means EXTRA DAYS OFF! YIPEE. Anyway I digress … I have reached a point where I can rightly call myself a curmudgeon and pass remarks on the brevity of skirts, inform young ladies of the risks of silletto induced bunions and tut loudly at passing hoodies. All without appearing in any way “odd”. Perhaps this will be the first year I fit naturally into my surroundings, it has been a long wait.

In honour of the day I get my VIC (Very Important Curmudgeon) card I shall now rant … Car Parks! When did we move from a time when entry to a car park involved calmness and good manners? When did it suddenly become a Grand Prix race? What is this rule that requires you sound your horn every 2 minutes whether it needs to be honked or not? Bah and trice BAH! Perhaps western europe is following in the traditions of the far east and having a “Year of the…” or “Decade of the …” and we are currently in the “Decade of the bad tempered ,ill mannered, blarging car driving bully” .. who knows .. i do hope that there will be some light at the end of the tunnel and the supermarket car parks of the world will become places of sweetness and light once again 🙂

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