Welcome one welcome all!

Welcome to the Slightly Doolally blog!

This is the repository of thoughts,  poems,  stories,  rants,  recollections  (both real and imagined),  photos, and  paintings that we the McDonaghs want to share with the rest of the world.

Stephen, Valerie and Niall McDonagh will be the main contributors to this blog.

Stephen has been many things, few of them make sense now but made perfect sense at the time. Currently he is 25 years into trying to be a professional geek for a large Japanese/American electronics firm. He has been blogging for several years on a blog called Dominoyesmaybe and has achieved some infamy for the unexpected levels of inventive profanity he can muster when in full rant mode.

Valerie is the lady of the house and is occasionally referred to as  SWMBO (but only when not in “withering gaze” range). Apart from being a woman of remarkable good taste in men and having the patience of an entire hagiography of saints she has a black belt in gardening, is the Da Vinci of  skirting board paintingsh and works part time as an “Ironing fairy”.  Having just taken possesion of her first computer recently she may participate with a post from time to time.

Niall the youngest of the McDonagh clan is a geek like his father and may drop in to get fed, get his laundry done, borrow money and not get up until 5pm. The likely hood of him participating in this blog are remote but not totally out of the question.

This is our blog, read, enjoy and leave comments.

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7 Responses to Welcome one welcome all!

  1. Pingback: Ironing fairy indeed!! - Slightly Doolally Blog

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