Whats with your site name?

It was posited by some colleagues that whilst apt the domain name I chose for this blog/website does not “sell” The concept of McDonaghism to the world … well they did not say exactly that … well not in those words but that was the general drift of their query.

During the time of the British Raj there was a transit camp called Deolali in India. This camp was used as a waiting area for soldiers who had caught malaria or who had accompanied mad dogs out in the midday sun, prior to their return to blighty.

I am reliably informed that “Deolali Tap” is a colloquial urdu phase meaning “fever” or “feverish”. Now unbeknownst to most of you I am not the world’s best sun worshipper as I burn under a 40 watt bulb. Valerie on the other hand loves it. She is the sunbathing equivalent to a surfer except she is endless seeking the “perfect tan” Now being the dutiful husband etc I accompany her on the annual McDonagh European tour and it was on one of these trips early in our courtship that I spent perhaps a minute or two too long in the hot Corfu Sun.

Later that evening when Valerie was attending to whatever it is that ladies do in the shower after a day of being on a sun bed slowly rotating so that every possible inch of skin gets that lustrous tan.Whatever it is , it does take a certain amount of work so I was usefully engaged in having a bit of a lie down.

I must have dosed off for I remember none of this and have to rely on the testimony of Valerie that this is true and I see no reason to doubt her 😉 She reports that my gentle snoring was rudely interrupted by a gasp and then a cry ” of DOORS! PLASTIC DOORS …. AND HORSESHOE CRABS! ” Needless to say this made her somewhat concerned and she laid about me with her towel in a brisk and teacher like manner in an effort to rouse me from my troubled dream … that worked and the thankfully the evening proceeded as normal.

Ever since then i have had a “Plastic Door Event Horizon” and when in a sunny clime I still mutter as I move into the shade.. “Plastic doors” and Val knows exactly what I mean.

So as you can see there is a reason why we called our blog “slightly doolally” and odd as it may seem it makes sense



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