First let me say OOOO My legs hurt something awful!
Gentle reader I hear you ask, “Why? Why? Why should this be so?” Well tis simple, myself and a colleague from work Mr Andrew Clark along with Ciara (C-MC) and Chuck (Chuck) from Wild-Ni who were silly enough to join me on another Sunday outing on the north coast, except this outing would include the conquering of “The Grey Man’s Path” which I mentioned here on a dander 3 weeks ago.
The Route

The Start (Photo by Chuck)
It has to be said it was a cracker day for a dander, sunny with a pleasant but not to strong breeze and it twas with smiles a plenty we set off from the car park at Marconi’s cottage @10:00 along the

Meadow (photo by Chuck)
shore and up onto the cliffs of Fair Head using the farm track rather than scramble up the waterfall as the path here is seriously overgrown and very nettley!
At the top of the cliff we were greated by a meadow of short grass and wild flowers and with the sun and the view of Rathlin to our left we plodded on up and along the cliff edge towards Murlough
We made good time and arrived at the head of the Grey Man’s around midday for a spot of lunch and a sit down.
We then headed off over the cliffs past the last lake (“lough Fanna) and then up some more to the top of the cliffs about and to the east of Murlough.

The path down to Benvan cottage
At the top of these cliffs you pick up a path that takes you slowly down to Benvan cottage and then through the wood down to sea level, were you pick up the track leading west to the car park. Another stop here for a sit down and some more coffee and chocolate. Then off again taking the lower shore path westerwards to imposing cliffs of fair head and the boulder path. This path “ends” at two small tunnels, the last remnants of the Murlough Mines. This was sort of the point of no return – to continue westward meant entering the boulder field for a mile to get to the bottom of the Grey Man’s Path, the other option would be to take the upper path from the mines back to the murlough road and slog up the hill to the top car park. We decided given that it was dry and we were all reasonably fit, well attired and in possession of phone that had a decent signal that we would give the boulders a go!
Please please please, NEVER do this in the wet, NEVER do it in mist, NEVER do this on your own and NEVER do this without poles and big boots! Our previously brisk pace dropped from 3mph to a crawl. It took us nearly an hour to get from the mines to the bottom of the Grey Man’s path chimney!!! The going is slow, but if you do not rush it is not too difficult. From the mines there is the start of path that leads upwards, follow it and when it peters out in the boulders, keep heading slightly up and westward.

Picking our way through the boulders just before the lower Cliffs Section
You will come to a lower cliff face where you can go up and hug the main Fair Head cliffs or skirt around the lower cliffs. We took the lower option and soon picked up a path (of sorts) which after much scrambling, rests and “OH F**K it is a long way down” comments we reached the end of the lower cliffs and a path of grass and wild garlic, the chimney of the Grey Man’s path is just above you… (Kudos to Andy Clark for taking “point” on this section he did a grand job to keeping us on a decent path).

Up the Grey Man's Chimney
We stopped there to get our breath and then it is a 20 minute crawl (yes I mean on your hand and knees) up the chimney to the top of the cliff. Again Andy lead the way and was it has to be said he was like a rat up a drainpipe! Only later did we discover he was doing his very very very best NOT to look down. Lotus Geeks please notice the rucksack!!

Done it!!
When we reached the top of the cliffs there was much sitting down done but we were all in agreement it was a hell of a buzz and something that “needed” to be done 🙂 from there we followed the path back down to marconi’s and basically collapsed in the car and headed back to Ballycastle and from there home.

Here is a summary of the dander
Data from Chuck (Thanks!) It took us 5hrs 21 mins of walking time with 1 hour 10Â mins of pauses. Which for me was pretty good but perhaps a tad slow for Ciara and Chuck.
I have to say I am totally punctured this evening, so I am going to stop this post now by saying thanks to Andy, Ciara and Chuck who it has to be said are excellent walking companions and brave brave souls for trusting me to get them around what was an excellent if very Vertical dander on a glorious Sunday.. Chaps and Chapess I salute you! 🙂
Now where to next week?
My Facebook album of photos
Andy’s Facebook Album of Photos
Chuck’s Flickr Stream + videos
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