Greek tour 2010 Sunday 5th Monday 6th

There is a point in any holiday where hopefully you reach the bliss out point.

Val and I hit that around Sunday

I suppose that needs some explanation .The bliss out point is where the normal work vs life tipping point is replaced by a balance between relaxation and being asleep… this is bliss out.

It is testament to the restoration power of our friends on Alonissos and the island itself that we get so relaxed so quickly. I as a professional geek live in constant state of communication with the rest of the world don’t get me wrong I enjoy it … most if the time , but it does make you a bit frazzled. I chill at home walking by myself on the shore or in the country but this is very transitory and true bliss out is seldom found.

It is the same for Val. Keeping Niall and I on the straight and narrow is hard enough but there is ample stress and stain in her day to day doings for an entire team of geeks!  Well done Dote! 🙂

The hardest decision of the is what to eat for supper .Work although creative is constrained by rules and specifications but when I paint here I paint what I want in the way I want there is more relaxation in that alone than in a year of walking. Kudos to Bessie and Kosta the owners of The Paradise Hotel for letting me paint unmolested in the bar day after day it REALLY is appreciated!

As I sit here blogging in the Anais taverna by the harbour sipping hot strong sweet Greek coffee the world I live in for the other 50 weeks of the year is a two island ferry ride and 2 flights away do I miss it? ….. not at all!

More later gentle readers and we hope you reach bliss out yourselves at least once a year 🙂

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