The Aftermath _ Trying to Go!

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It is now a week  since I had my colonoscopy done , so I thought I would jot down a few thoughts. From one extreme to the other! The prep had me glued to the loo for hours unable to stop “going”. Now the reverse is true – I am glued to the loo desperately trying to “go”.  I think my insides have decided that they did enough in one day last week to warrant an extended holiday.

Because of my disease taking laxatives is a no-no, so have been increasing my fibre intake and drinking extra water, to no avail. There have been a few gentle gurgles and rumblings so maybe things are on the move. Fingers crossed.

My next medical encounter is at the well woman clinic for my smear test -oh joy. Just another one of those things which we women know we have to do, but don’t relish the thought of it.

I  think my next blog really should be about something completely different, hmm,  I’m off to have a think . Here’s hoping for good weather this weekend so whatever you are doing – enjoy. 🙂

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