The Gory Details !!

After three days of “restricted diet” the dreaded bowel cleansing prep began  late  yesterday afternoon. This involved making up two litres of the “stuff ” and leaving it to chill. I think the idea is to give your mouth hypothermia so you don’t taste it. On another blog the taste was described as a mixture of goat spit and industrial drain cleaner! Well it wasn’t – it was much, much, much worse. Words have not yet been invented to truely do justice to just how utterly foul and vomit inducing this stuff really is. You have to force half a pint down every 10 – 15 mins supplemented by another litre of clear liquid. I felt a bit like a balloon being slowly blown up to bursting point.

After a couple of hours the Desired Effect started to take place! The only way I can describe it, is to liken it to a small thermo nuclear device going off somewhere just south of my belly button!!   If I hadn’t been securely fastened to the loo I’m sure I would be seen in the night sky glowing a sickly shade of green.   The after shocks continued until bed time , settled down only to start again this morning. According to the “bumphf” that wasn’t supposed to happen. OH well.

By about noon things had settled down, Steve came home and we set off for the hospital- me very nervous and him being his usual reassuring self. Luckily I was first on the consultant’s list  so had all checks done almost immediately. Next came THE GREAT BIG NEEDLE  in the arm – I am a real wuss when it comes to needles, especially when they look as though they could be used for rug making! Then changed into the very fetching regulation gown with the “little” !!!!??? white bum peeping out, and so into theatre. My consultant was being assisted by a VERY tasty registrar, who, if I was a FEW years younger, unmarried and not lying on my side about to be invaded by a hosepipe, I would definitely have fluttered my eyelashes at.

The various medications were administered into THE GREAT BIG NEEDLE but unlike the last time when I was in cloud cuckoo land until about an hour afterwards , this time I was awake and watched the whole thing on the monitor! VERY STRANGE seeing your insides! He talked me through the whole thing, took a few biopsies, chatted about my disease and best of all reassured me there were no NASTIES lurking round any corner.PHEWWW!

Off to recovery for a wee snooze, then coffee and toast and home.

Just want to say a BIG thankyou to everyone who sent me warm fuzzies. Also to anyone who has to undergo a colonoscopy , try not to worry  – it really isn’t too bad. The diet and prep bit ARE difficult but the procedure itself  is actually the easy bit. You might be lucky and have a dishy doc rummaging about up there!!!!! As Kitty would say “That is all”

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